You + Jesus = A Great Story

Current Teaching Series

TCC At Our Best

This sermon series, TCC At Our Best, is about celebrating and putting our energy into our strengths as a church body. When we focus on our strengths we live out who God created us to be as a group of believers.  We are at our best when we remember who we are (Missions & Vision) and why we are here, on Main St.  We are to bring a blessing; prosperity and life to our neighbors and each other.  Additionally we are a body of believers who love to sing. We are good at Worshiping God through Songs, this is part of the larger Church of God history and it is true for us.  We love to sing and worship our Lord and Savior.  We are a generous church financially and we bless those around us in need.  We are aspirational in nature, knowing that we are made for more and that there are God size plans for us in the near future. God is calling us into more through Him. So, let’s join him and celebrate who we are and the mission in front of us.

Sermon Schedule:

July 7- Worship Through Songs - Spiritual discipline, practice, worship faith, surrender, obedience. (Psalms 55:18)

July 14 - Too Wonderful for Words - TCC At Our Best spiritual discipline, practice, financial stewardship. (2 Corinth. 9:6-7, Malachi 3:10)

July 21 - Why, we are here! Now! - TCC At Our Best Mission and Vision, Why we are here at this location at this time. (John 10:10, John 13:34-35, Jeremiah 29:4-7)

July 28 - Blessing Others - TCC At Our Best overview of the B.L.E.S.S. strategy - this is how we live with others. (Gen. 12:2-3)

Aug. 4 - Made for More - TCC At Our Best - we aspire to be more through Christ. (Isaiah 6:8)