In our day when someone passes, it is almost customary for some to assume the person is going to heaven. People will make comments of how they are “in a better place.” On their birthday they may wish them a “happy heavenly birthday” and so forth. Yet, the deceased may have never professed a relationship with Jesus or demonstrated any Christ-like qualities.
Have you ever wondered why people tend to believe and say such things? I think it is because people tend to genuinely believe in Heaven. They also seem to think most folks are basically good and will be allowed to get in. Only those who are really, truly evil will be excluded.
You will no doubt recall the story of Barabbas. He stood before a human judge, one who had the power to give him life or death. Being a criminal, Barabbas was set to die for his deeds. However, Pilate, his judge, was persuaded by the pleas of the people to release him. Barabbas was pardoned and “set free” by the court of public opinion. Barabbas must have thought he escaped death that day by his own good merits.
Barabbas likely went on his merry way thinking nothing more of his great escape or the man who took his place on the cross that day. Yet, it was the man who switched with him that could have truly set him free. It is not known if Barabbas ever changed his ways. If he didn’t and when death finally did catch up with him, there certainly was no court of public opinion or human judge to help him escape his eternal punishment.
The Bible is clear there is only one way to heaven and that is through Jesus. Further, it states the road is narrow and few find it. Hoping and wishing that being good enough, quite frankly, is not going to be good enough. There will be no great escape when death comes calling.
Perhaps up to this day, you have never had a relationship with Jesus. Understand this: Jesus went to the cross for Barabbas. That was His plan all along. Jesus loved Barabbas and wanted him to be truly set free. He also went to the cross for you and me. Make no mistake, we are Barabbas in the story.
Today could be the day that changes the course of your life. He loves you too and wants you to be free, to live with Him forever, both here on earth and in heaven. Jesus has been calling your name from the cross to come to Him. If you want to start a relationship with Jesus, please say this prayer now:
“Jesus, I want to begin a new life with You. I’m sorry for the things I have done in my life. Please forgive me. I ask that You come into my heart and begin to transform me into the person you want me to be. In Your Name, Amen.”
“But the gateway to life is very narrow and the road is difficult, and only a few ever find it.”
Mt 7:14 (NLT)